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Welcome to our Youth Ministry section. Our goal is to be the heart of all educational work.

The heart of all educational work

As the church-temple is located in the centre of the School, our goal is to be the heart of the educational work. Our approach does not only aspire to instruct but to educate, to guide each student in the development of all their dimensions, of their entire being.

The profound depths of the inner self from which the meaning of life emanates is the most sacred place and the most relevant to our mission.

This is how Youth Ministry shapes the heart of the School and is the reason for our being, all our activities centre on the goal that each student feels the adoration of God in the profound depths of their being, and discovers their calling.

At school, the fathers, mothers, teachers, school personnel, monitors, religious men and women, students have all started to think about the Youth Ministry, where we are and where we want to go in life. After more than a year of desiring this vision, we have finally envisioned it.


We are organized into teams that carry out projects related to the four dimensions of any group that wants to experience the "air of Jesus": impart his message and values, enable encounters that mark his existence, serve the most disadvantaged, and celebrate life by putting God in their midst.




GENERAL MT1. GO ON ME2. Madeleine Encounter MS3. Lagunduck MC4. Sundays with you
EARLY CHILDHOOD IT1. Encounter with Jesus
IT2. Jesus eta Maria gure gelan
IT3. Religious awakening *
IE5. Born at home *
IE7. Gabon kantak*
IS6. Musutruk IC4. CCelebrate life
PRIMARY PT1. Otoizlekua
PT5. He went about doing good
PT6. Irribarre batekin
PE2. Ibiltariak PS3. Musutruk PC4. Bizitza ospatzen
SECONDARY SCHOOL ST1. Gela otoitzean
ST5. Aztarnak bilatzen
SE2. Bizitza dastatuz
SE6. Zure Ondoan
SS3. Txamikideak PcJ
SS7. Musutruk – I volunteer: tigers and tigresses / Kilo /
SC4. Bizitza ospatzen
BACCALAUREATE BT1. Irribarre batekin
BT5. Barrurantz
BE2. Ejercitando el interior
BE6. Zure Ondoan
BE7. Bizitza dastatuz
BS3. Musutruk BS4. ……
FESTA FAMILIES FT 1.I am shaped by and for you FE2. Marianist pilgrimage
FS3. Be water
FS6. Marianist Action AM
FS8. Musutruk
FC4. Family Sundays or community celebrations
FC5.Landing on the islanda

The most relevant aspect of any approach is the people. They have to be motivated, excited and have a calling. In addition, they need to nurture themselves and their sense of dedication. The Madeleine Community - made up of religious men and women, students and their families, school staff, monitors and trainers, Affiliates, Marianist Fraternities and Marianist Action - is where we feel like family, and where we regain strength for our mission. The school is its main project, but, obviously, its actions do not end with the city. We are all invited to participate in it.

Early Childhood

In the child's first school years, the awakening to the religious world begins: they learn to name that inner universe that throws us into a dimension beyond the tangible, and that, though invisible, is as real as the life that is given to us.

They discover that they are loved by a tender God who has always dreamed of them. Jesus is within them, as he was in the womb of Mary, and so they feel inhabited by Him, guided on the path of life that begins in the early stages of childhood.


They join this stage as children and emerge as funny and adventurous tweens. They discover their friends and detach themselves, little by little, from their parents.

Jesus appears as the Friend who never fails me, to whom I open my heart. They prepare for their First Communion and many are initiated into the groups of Ibiltariak, missionary friends whose goal is to change the world. It is a key stage to develop the inner world and to feel protected by their Friend, God.


Four years of choices, joys and sorrows, of discovering their own identity. During adolescence, we offer them experiences that we want them to internalize, transforming them into experiences that shape their life.

They are the architects of their lives, and they must be aware of this, discovering that God guides them through their story and that he is present in a thousand ways. Educating the gaze, both within and without, is a challenge that will give them meaning, serenity, and fullness.


They have grown up. They start looking at University.

A world full of possibilities attracts them, but also frightens them. Volunteering to help the most vulnerable allows them to discover that they are capable of contributing a lot to society, discovering that there is more joy in giving than in receiving.

Different “tough” experiences help them to ask themselves questions and find answers within where He awaits them. We insist that He walks and will walk forever with you and that life has no meaning without dedication, the true meaning of existence.

A passionate person, with projects and inhabited by Him, can face the future without fear and with hope.


FESTA (Families that propose Encounters with the Lord Transmitting to their children the deep Joy of faith).

It will be very difficult for children to live the faith if it is not conveyed within families, true domestic Churches are where the faith experience is taught.

In recent years, the family ministry has grown significantly at the school. Organized into four teams (Infant + LH1 / 2, LH3-6, DBH-BTO, Adults) and in collaboration with the Youth Ministry of each stage, they create approaches to experiencing the joy of the Gospel together.


Coordinates the Youth Ministry of each stage, the family ministry and the Ibiltariak and JAIA faith groups. Becoming part of the Madeleine community and envisioning a future which they have been striving for. The new temple longs to transform itself into a meeting place whose atmosphere of joy, solidarity, depth, tenderness and the presence of God impels us to transform this world and make it new.

“Something new is being born in Aldapeta - María Ikastetxea: life emerges, Life with a Capital Letter. Many are surprised to discover a community, a diverse and joyous family who warmly welcomes all who come and cares for those most in need. Everyone feels a sense of belonging and inclusion in the group in their own way. What is most striking is how they love one another, and the enthusiasm they express in the Sunday Eucharist, a meeting place for teachers, families, instructors, catechists: young people play the guitar, children make noise, grandparents smile at the sight... all are protagonists in a simple and well-prepared, beautiful and attractive gathering. A special atmosphere can be felt in which Jesus is in the hearts of everyone and at the heart of the School itself. Faith is spreading through the city as if by osmosis. Mary smiles as she contemplates her mission."


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